In the last lab, we use the tabular method (Q-learning, SARSA) to train an agent to play Flappy Bird with features in environments. However, it is time-costly and inefficient if more features are added to the environment because the agent can not easily generalize its experience to other states that were not seen before. Furthermore, in realistic environments with large state / action space, it requires a large memory space to store all state-action pairs.
In this lab, we introduce deep reinforcement learning, which utilizes function approximation to estimate value / policy for all unseen states such that given a state, we can estimate its value or action. We can use what we have learned in machine learning (e.g. regression, DNN) to achieve it.
Reference: Generalized Advantage Estimation, Proximal Policy Optimization
To use reinforcement learning successfully in situations approaching real-world complexity, however, agents are confronted with a difficult task: they must derive efficient representations of the environment from high-dimensional sensory inputs, and use these to generalize past experience to new situations.
In this lab, we are going to train an agent which takes raw frames as input instead of hand-crafted features.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import moviepy.editor as mpy
import skimage.transform
from IPython.display import Image, display
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_probability as tfp
import tensorflow.keras.losses as kls
gpus = tf.config.list_physical_devices("GPU")
if gpus:
# Restrict TensorFlow to only use the fourth GPU
tf.config.set_visible_devices(gpus[0], 'GPU')
# Currently, memory growth needs to be the same across GPUs
for gpu in gpus:
tf.config.experimental.set_memory_growth(gpu, True)
logical_gpus = tf.config.list_logical_devices('GPU')
print(len(gpus), "Physical GPUs,", len(logical_gpus), "Logical GPUs")
except RuntimeError as e:
# Memory growth must be set before GPUs have been initialized
import os
os.environ["SDL_VIDEODRIVER"] = "dummy" # this line make pop-out window not appear
from import FlappyBird
from ple import PLE
game = FlappyBird()
env = PLE(game, fps=30, display_screen=False) # environment interface to game
test_game = FlappyBird()
test_env = PLE(test_game, fps=30, display_screen=False)
path = './movie_f'
if not os.path.exists(path):
hparas = {
'image_size': 84,
'num_stack': 4,
'action_dim': len(env.getActionSet()),
'hidden_size': 256,
'lr': 0.0001,
'gamma': 0.99,
'lambda': 0.95,
'clip_val': 0.2,
'ppo_epochs': 8,
'test_epochs': 1,
'num_steps': 512,
'mini_batch_size': 64,
'target_reward': 200,
'max_episode': 30000,
# Please do not modify this method
def make_anim(images, fps=60, true_image=False):
duration = len(images) / fps
def make_frame(t):
x = images[int(len(images) / duration * t)]
x = images[-1]
if true_image:
return x.astype(np.uint8)
return ((x + 1) / 2 * 255).astype(np.uint8)
clip = mpy.VideoClip(make_frame, duration=duration)
clip.fps = fps
return clip
def preprocess_screen(screen):
screen = skimage.transform.rotate(screen, -90, resize=True)
screen = screen[:400, :]
screen = skimage.transform.resize(screen, [hparas['image_size'], hparas['image_size'], 1])
return screen.astype(np.float32)
def frames_to_state(input_frames):
if(len(input_frames) == 1):
state = np.concatenate(input_frames*4, axis=-1)
elif(len(input_frames) == 2):
state = np.concatenate(input_frames[0:1]*2 + input_frames[1:]*2, axis=-1)
elif(len(input_frames) == 3):
state = np.concatenate(input_frames + input_frames[2:], axis=-1)
state = np.concatenate(input_frames[-4:], axis=-1)
return state
class ActorCriticNetwork(tf.keras.Model):
def __init__(self, hparas):
self.feature_extractor = tf.keras.Sequential([
# Convolutional Layers
tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(filters=32, kernel_size=8, strides=4),
tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(filters=64, kernel_size=4, strides=2),
tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(filters=64, kernel_size=3, strides=1),
# Embedding Layers
# Actor Network = tf.keras.layers.Dense(hparas['action_dim'], activation='softmax')
# Critic Network
self.critic = tf.keras.layers.Dense(1, activation = None)
def call(self, input):
x = self.feature_extractor(input)
action_logits =
value = self.critic(x)
return action_logits, value
class Agent():
def __init__(self, hparas):
self.gamma = hparas['gamma']
self.optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=hparas['lr'])
self.actor_critic = ActorCriticNetwork(hparas)
self.clip_pram = hparas['clip_val']
def ppo_iter(self, mini_batch_size, states, actions, log_probs, returns, advantage):
batch_size = states.shape[0]
for _ in range(batch_size // mini_batch_size):
rand_ids = tf.convert_to_tensor(np.random.randint(0, batch_size, mini_batch_size), dtype=tf.int32)
yield tf.gather(states, rand_ids), tf.gather(actions, rand_ids), tf.gather(log_probs, rand_ids), \
tf.gather(returns, rand_ids), tf.gather(advantage, rand_ids)
def ppo_update(self, ppo_epochs, mini_batch_size, states, actions, log_probs, discount_rewards, advantages):
total_actor_loss = 0
total_critic_loss = 0
for _ in range(ppo_epochs):
for state, action, old_log_probs, reward, advantage in self.ppo_iter(mini_batch_size, states, actions, log_probs, discount_rewards, advantages):
reward = tf.expand_dims(reward, axis=-1)
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
prob, value = self.actor_critic(state, training=True)
dist = tfp.distributions.Categorical(probs=prob, dtype=tf.float32)
entropy = tf.math.reduce_mean(dist.entropy())
new_log_probs = dist.log_prob(action)
# PPO ratio
ratio = tf.math.exp(new_log_probs - old_log_probs)
surr1 = ratio * advantage
surr2 = tf.clip_by_value(ratio, 1.0 - self.clip_pram, 1.0 + self.clip_pram) * advantage
actor_loss = tf.math.negative(tf.math.reduce_mean(tf.math.minimum(surr1, surr2))) - 0.1 * entropy
critic_loss = 0.5 * tf.math.reduce_mean(kls.mean_squared_error(reward, value))
total_loss = actor_loss + critic_loss
# single optimizer
grads = tape.gradient(total_loss, self.actor_critic.trainable_variables)
self.optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grads, self.actor_critic.trainable_variables))
total_actor_loss += actor_loss
total_critic_loss += critic_loss
return total_actor_loss, total_critic_loss
# Equation 16
def compute_gae(rewards, masks, values, gamma, LAMBDA):
gae = 0
returns = []
for i in reversed(range(len(rewards))):
delta = rewards[i] + gamma * values[i + 1] * masks[i] - values[i]
gae = delta + gamma * LAMBDA * masks[i] * gae
returns.append(gae + values[i])
return returns
Testing Environment¶
def test_reward(test_env, agent):
total_reward = 0
# Reset the environment
input_frames = [preprocess_screen(test_env.getScreenGrayscale())]
while not test_env.game_over():
state = frames_to_state(input_frames)
state = tf.expand_dims(state, axis=0)
prob, value = agent.actor_critic(state)
action = np.argmax(prob[0].numpy())
reward = test_env.act(test_env.getActionSet()[action])
total_reward += reward
return total_reward
agent = Agent(hparas)
max_episode = hparas['max_episode']
test_per_n_episode = 10
force_save_per_n_episode = 1000
early_stop_reward = 10
start_s = 0
best_reward = -5.0
checkpoint = tf.train.Checkpoint(
actor_critic = agent.actor_critic,
optimizer = agent.optimizer,
# Load from old checkpoint
# checkpoint.restore('ckpt_dir/ckpt-?')
ep_reward = []
total_avgr = []
early_stop = False
avg_rewards_list = []
for s in range(0, max_episode):
if early_stop == True:
rewards = []
states = []
actions = []
log_probs = []
masks = []
values = []
display_frames = [env.getScreenRGB()]
input_frames = [preprocess_screen(env.getScreenGrayscale())]
for step in range(hparas['num_steps']):
state = frames_to_state(input_frames)
state = tf.expand_dims(state, axis=0)
prob, value = agent.actor_critic(state)
dist = tfp.distributions.Categorical(probs=prob[0], dtype=tf.float32)
action = dist.sample(1)
log_prob = dist.log_prob(action)
reward = env.act(env.getActionSet()[int(action.numpy())])
done = env.game_over()
rewards.append(tf.convert_to_tensor(reward, dtype=tf.float32))
masks.append(tf.convert_to_tensor(1-int(done), dtype=tf.float32))
if done:
input_frames = [preprocess_screen(env.getScreenGrayscale())]
_, next_value = agent.actor_critic(state)
returns = compute_gae(rewards, masks, values, hparas['gamma'], hparas['lambda'])
returns = tf.concat(returns, axis=0)
log_probs = tf.concat(log_probs, axis=0)
values = tf.concat(values, axis=0)
states = tf.concat(states, axis=0)
actions = tf.concat(actions, axis=0)
advantage = returns - values[:-1]
a_loss, c_loss = agent.ppo_update(hparas['ppo_epochs'], hparas['mini_batch_size'], states, actions, log_probs, returns, advantage)
print('[Episode %d] Actor loss: %.5f, Critic loss: %.5f' % (s, a_loss, c_loss))
if s % test_per_n_episode == 0:
# test agent hparas['test_epochs'] times to get the average reward
avg_reward = np.mean([test_reward(test_env, agent) for _ in range(hparas['test_epochs'])])
print("Test average reward is %.1f, Current best average reward is %.1f\n" % (avg_reward, best_reward))
if avg_reward > best_reward:
best_reward = avg_reward'./save/Actor/model_actor_{}_{}'.format(s, avg_reward), save_format="tf") = './save/checkpoints/ckpt')
if s % force_save_per_n_episode == 0:'./save/Actor/model_actor_{}_{}'.format(s, avg_reward), save_format="tf") = './save/checkpoints/ckpt')
clip = make_anim(display_frames, fps=60, true_image=True).rotate(-90)
clip.write_videofile("movie_f/{}_demo-{}.webm".format('Lab15', s), fps=60)
display(clip.ipython_display(fps=60, autoplay=1, loop=1, maxduration=120))
if best_reward >= early_stop_reward:
early_stop = True
Assignment ¶
What you should do:¶
- Run the code and comprehense it
- Write your discovery in this notebook (exempli gratia how many times your birds fly to get more than 10 rewards)
Evaluation metrics:¶
- Report of this lab (50%)
- The bird is able to fly through at least 1 pipe (50%)
- Upload the notebook to eeclass
- Lab15_{student_id}.ipynb
- Deadline: 2024-12-18 (Wed) 23:59